Thursday, April 4, 2013

Marmalade #4

This is close to being finished. I need to let it sit for a while and not even look at it, so I can better spot what remains to be done. The porcelain pot has given me some trouble in that, unusually, both edges are soft - the left is is shadow because of the light source, but the right is also in the cast shadow of the brass scuttle; so it loses definition on both sides. I used a warm neutral grey in the background, then did a contrasting foreground in cool blue, black and green; the reverse of what one might expect, but I needed the shadow of the scuttle in left back; and I wanted to have some contrast with the scuttle and kumquats - I had already achieved that for the porcelain. I hope it works!

1 comment:

  1. Just a note to say that this painting was sold at the Salon International de Pastel at Saint Aulaye, France in August 2013.
